The story
Our second 5E supplement is now available!
Hello everyone! We are back with another 5E supplement that you can use to continue your journey from the first book or simply start with a new group with some extra skills before launching the campaign!
This adventure is perfect from LVL 4 to 6, but you can obviously adapt it as a great Dungeon Master if you want to integrate it in a bigger campaign!
For those who are just discovering our work, welcome to our universe! If you’re also interested in our models, you will be able to pledge in addons for our previous campaigns (3D STL & 5E supplements)!
So, what about this 5E supplement ?

For a complete and thrilling experience with your companions, this campaign is designed to cater to your needs. Regardless of whether you’re a seasoned player of TTRPG or just starting out, this journey will provide you with an exciting and mysterious excursion into a dark and fantastical realm!
This book is perfect for 4 players but it’s totally possible to play with more or less people aswell. You can pledge for our complete collection and start from our first adventure. Both adventures are obviously standalone but since they are expanding in the same world of Ivria, it could be interresting for you to try both supplements!
How this Kickstarter Campaign is working ?
You will ge the opportunity to choose between one or 2 books (this one and the previous one: The Ballad of Aerin).

Regarding the delivery, we aimed to make the process as straightforward as possible for our first campaign of this kind. You will receive all the components of the campaign (the PDF and any additional materials) shortly after the campaign concludes.
MyMiniFactory is highly optimized for PDFs and STLs, making it the ideal platform to distribute our digital files.
Stretch goal unlocked

Get our previous Kickstarter with addons !
If you’re new here or if you just miss the chance to grab some of our projects, you can pledge them in addons to print them with your favorite 3D printer and use them in this adventure or another one.
You will also receive all of the stretch goals from this previous campaigns aswell if you pledge for the addon.
You can click on these campaigns images to check our previous campaign :

Thank you already for your support and feel free to contact us if you have any question!