The Evolving Bestiary: Infinite Monsters, Infinite Adventures
Welcome to the launch of The Evolving Bestiary a dynamic and ever-expanding collection of monster sheets designed for D&D and other tabletop RPGs. Once again, this campaign isn’t just a classic campaign but an entire project that grows with its community of backers and where everyone count!
What’s Inside?
Monsters are the lifeblood of any great adventure. Remember the thrill of encountering a new, formidable beast that challenged your strategies and sparked unforgettable battle stories? With The Evolving Bestiary we’re adding layers of complexity and excitement to your encounters.

Monster Families & Evolution:
Each monster in The Evolving Bestiary belongs to a family, a group of creatures linked by common themes and traits. These families are categorized by genre—such as mythic, undead, elemental, or beast and many others.

What makes the evolving bestiary unique is the evolution feature: monsters start at a basic level and evolve into more complex and challenging versions, ensuring that they can grow alongside your players’ adventures.
Example of Monster Sheet

You will get any kind of monsters, from the smallest ones to the biggest!
Why Back It?
Continuous Expansion: More backers mean more monsters. Your support directly influences the richness and diversity of the creatures you’ll encounter since every backer bring another monster.

Each monster is crafted with attention to detail and designed to integrate seamlessly into your campaigns, providing both new and experienced DMs with valuable resources.
Also, since I know how amazing you are, backers will have opportunities to submit ideas for monster families, making you a direct contributor to the lore and effectiveness of the bestiary.
Boss encounters
You know how much I like to create some interractions and minigames in the campaign itself. This campaign will not make exception!
Every 100 backers, we will unlock an “Evolving Boss Encounter”.
A special creature, with 2 to 5 forms, to create the most epic boss fights in your adventures.

More info in updates, as long as we unlock them!
These special creatures will be revealed one by one and you will have some special occasions to participate in their lore or mechanics in the different updates! (Probably not for the first ones if we unlock too much on them on the launch!)
1€ Pledge: Get the initial pack of 100 monsters in a beautifully designed PDF.
5 – 9€ Pledge – DM Edition: Receive the initial 100-monster pack plus access to the ever-expanding roster of creatures. Each new backer unlocks an additional monster, continuously enlarging your arsenal of adversaries.
119 – 149€ Pledge – Legendary Edition: Same as the DM edition + A personalized artwork and monster sheet for the monster of your dreams!
How Will You Get It?
We’re teaming up again with PlanarInk Editions for the upcoming release of the book. To ensure a seamless and hassle-free experience for our customers, we will be utilizing the services of DriveThruRPG to provide you with a digital code that grants you immediate access to your copy as soon as it becomes available.
We are committed to making your purchase process as efficient and convenient as possible, and we look forward to providing you with the highest quality products and services.
Want a Physical Copy?
We’re sticking with DriveThruRPG’s print-at-cost. After backing us here, you’ll just cover printing and shipping when you order your hardcopy.
With your usual enthusiasm, we don’t know how far we can go. With this new book, you will get the occasion to order the book in Soft cover AND hard cover!
And you know the best part in all of that? You only have to pledge for the Print At Cost edition once, you will automatically receive the opportunity to order the format you prefer without extra cost that the printing and shipping cost!

This concept is very simple, you pay the part of the creator here, on Kickstarter, then you will be able to order the print copy, inside DrivethruRPG for a fraction of the price (The printing & the Shipping fees only)

Did you miss the previous projects?
You can still get the Realm of Riddles in Addon at the best price!

Following the same concept, our first project went as far as 1670 riddles!

Our second project was also a huge success with 1380 spells unlocked!