Welcome to our new project: How to Play as an Enchanted Weapon!
Greetings, fellow adventurers!

We’re thrilled to present “How to Play as an Enchanted Weapon in Any TTRPG” on Kickstarter! Whether you’re a seasoned gamer or new to the tabletop realm, this guidebook is your key to forging unforgettable tales at your gaming table.

Ever dreamt of being the weapon instead of the wielder? Well, now’s your chance! “How to Play as an Enchanted Weapon in Any TTRPG” offers an in-depth exploration of mechanics, storytelling techniques, and character quirks that’ll empower you to become the ultimate weapon of destiny.

Make other weapons green with envy with revolutionary mechanics. From enchanted swords to sentient shields, the possibilities are as vast as your imagination.

System-Free Compatibility
Unlike its predecessor, which was tailored specifically for D&D 5E, “How to Play as an Enchanted Weapon in Any TTRPG” is system-free; which means you can used it in any kind of TTRPG (Fantasy/Sci-fi) like Pathfinder, CoC, etc.

As our campaign gains momentum, we’ll unlock stretch goals .
From extra weapons to a full adventure, the sky’s the limit, or maybe the dungeon ceiling, depending on your campaign.

Choose from our digital PDF or PDF + print-on-demand options and prepare to unleash your inner weapon of mass enjoyment.
Rest assured, we’ll handle your rewards with the care and precision of a master blacksmith. We are partnering with DrivethruRPG and we guarantee that whether you opt for digital or physical, we’ll make sure your loot arrives safe and sound.
Shipping and Handling

We take great care in handling your rewards with the utmost precision. Whether you choose the digital version or the physical copy, rest assured that your pledges will be delivered securely and promptly.
We are partnering once again with DTRPG and Planarink Editions for the deliveries. Their well-made system, allowing you to receive everything by email and ordering directly on their platform avoid a lot of potential inconvenience in the process!

Looking for more content from RebelRunes? Check our previous projects!

First chapter of the serie “How to be” for those who want to turn into an undead!

204 maps included in this asian-themed set.
Be a part of the book!
Another way to support us is to pledge a little extra to get your name directly in the book. We have a classic THANK YOU page waiting for you and 5 special weapons name included in the lore of our book!
Support Us

And you can even be a part of the book with your place in the “Thank you Page” or directly integrated in the lore of the book as an enchanted weapon!